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This Regulation can be corrected, modified or improved at any time by the Organization, as well as any data, rule or apart for optimal race performance. To be registered shows the conformity of the participant with this Regulation.




This Regulation will be strictly complied for all participants of the event denominated SHERRY BIKE in all its modalities: SHERRY BIKE MARATÓN and SHERRY BIKE MEDIA.  Any incident not reflected in the regulation, will be resolved by the jury of the SHERRY BIKE, composed by the Sports Director of the race, a Member of the Organization, a Representative of the Runners and a Referee.



The race  SHERRY MARATÓN is organized by  TerraIncognita Global SL.

Art.2  RACE  

SHERRY BIKE MARATON is a mountain bike competition that will run between the city of Jerez de la Frontera and the sea of vineyards that surround the city and are part of the Marco del Jerez with a distance of 80 kms.

The SHERRY BIKE will take place on Saturday 3rd May of 2025 in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz.

The START of the race is at 8:30 at Bodega las Copas of Gonzalez Byass (Jerez).

The FINISH is located in the city of Jerez,  Bodega las Copas de Gonzalez Byass (Jerez) and will be open until 17:00.

SHERRY BIKE MEDIA is a mountain bike competition that will run between the city of Jerez de la Frontera and the sea of vineyards that surround the city and are part of the Marco del Jerez with a distance of 50 kms.

The SHERRY BIKE MEDIA will take place on Saturday 3rd May of 2025 in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz.

The START of the race is at 9:00 at the Bodega las Copas of Gonzalez Byass (Jerez).

The FINISH is located in the city of Jerez,  Bodega las Copas de Gonzalez Byass (Jerez) and will be open until 15:00.


The SHERRY BIKE is held with absolute respect for the environment.

Participants should respect the environment in which the race is realized and keep clean the environment. For these reasons the runners should eat and drink WITHOUT LEAVING ANY PACKAGE OUT OF CONTAINERS enabled for such use.

THE BREACH OF THIS ITEM will lead to the IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION OF THE PARTICIPANT. This disqualification can be disabled by a simple testimony of any member of the organizing team of the race.

The Organization will not cut traffic, and participants will respect the road rules in towns and highways use and public domain.


The participants will be disqualified from the competition if showing violent aptitudes or littering in nature. To respect the crops, livestock and private property in general are obligatory.


Participants are responsible for any damages incurred as a result of this type of behavior.

It is strictly forbidden to receive outside assistance or supplies during the development of the race out of the points set forth by the organization: these points will coincide with the official refreshments. 




Participation is open to all those persons who formalize correctly both REGISTRATIONS as the payment stipulated for the races.


The registration fee for the SHERRY BIKE will be based according to the following terms of payment:  REGISTRATIONS


The act of registering for the SHERRY BIKE entails the acceptance of its terms and conditions by all participants.  It also implies that the participant has the adequate preparation and that he/she is aware of the hard geographical and weather conditions one may encounter throughout its course.  Therefore, the participant exempts the Organizer from any liability regarding any health problems resulting from his/her participation in the SHERRY BIKE.

Registered participants understand that they participate in the event voluntarily and under their own responsibility.  Thus, they exempt the Organizer from any liability and will not press any charges or file any liability claims against the Organizer, its collaborators, sponsors or other participants.



Once the registration is accepted, the amount paid shall not be refunded under no circumstances. Cyclist may add a cancellation guarantee at the time of registration. ​

To be admitted the cancellation must attach the medical certificate proving the medical impediment to take part on the date of the event.

Reimbursements will be made before 30 days from the date of acceptance of the application.

Once a cancellation request is accepted, the Organizer will transfer the corresponding vacant place to the candidate at the top of the waiting list on that moment. 


Race bibs and gift bags will be collected in the space provided for this purpose in the city of Jerez, Alcázar de Jerez de la Frontera on friday 2nd from11-14h and 17-20h, and on Saturday 3rd from 7:00 to 8:30h at Bodega Las Copas.

Each participant must wear the race bib on the front of the bike and it must be easily visible all time. 

Race bibs are personal and non-transferable.  By default, race bibs (and gift bags) will only be given to participants who have registered for the event.  Participants must show an IDENTITY CARD, PASSPORT or NIE (Foreign Identification Number) to prove their identity in order to collect their race bib. The identity document must be the same used for registration.

Each participant will be assigned a number, which will be determined randomly in all cases, except for the first numbers to be determined by the Organization.

Participants will get race bibs of different colors according to their race, SHERRY BIKE MARATÓN  or SHERRY BIKE MEDIA.


The organization recommends that runners carry the following material in order to perform the race:

  • Mobile phone: With fully charged battery, active roaming, and turned on during the entire event.

  • Cup for liquids: no cups/glasses will be provided at aid stations.

  • Drinking container and/or hydration pack: total minimal capacity 1L.

  • Sunglasses: with plastic lenses

  • Sunscreen cream or lotion: Total protection.

  • Electrolytes and/or mineral salts

  • Energy food: Energy bars, gels, fruits…

  • Backpack: Appropriate to the volume of the material and pace of the participant. 



 The route of the race will be marked with tape and specific signage created for race. The track of the Trail shall be published in the official website of the race. Any changes or modifications to the same will be announced in the official website and social networks. 


Participants must follow the marked course without disobeying any signs and must stop at all checkpoints.


Besides the official checkpoints announced on the web, the Organization may set up “mobile” checkpoints to control the race or material at any point of the course. 

Participants must respond to the requests and questions posed by a course steward, physician, nurse or aid station supervisor at checkpoints or at any other point throughout the race.

It is strictly forbidden receive outside assistance or supplies during the development of the race out of the points set forth by the organization: these coincide with the official refreshments. Likewise, it is prohibited to be accompanied by others who are not participants registered in the race. 

​Each aid station has a designated closing time. Participants must reach all aid stations before their closing time to be able to continue on the race.


Aid stations will provide liquids and solid food, which will vary according to their location on the course.  The items available in each aid station may be checked at the web.


Food and drinks must be ingested at the aid station, in sufficient amount to meet the energy requirements to reach the next aid station.  Water can be loaded in the containers or hydration packs carried by the participants.

Having a race bib and a wristband is required to get access to the aid stations.



The Organization will have a wardrobe service it the Finish zone where the runners will be able to deposit their bags, not being responsible for the objects delivered in it.

The staff of the Wardrobe Service  may request the cyclist to open their bags prior to depositing, to check the contents of the bags. Given the refusal of a runner to open a bag, the Organization may refuse to pick up the bag.


The only vehicles that will be able to follow the race, will be those credited by the Organization. It is totally forbidden to follow the runners in any type of motor vehicle or on wheels (skates, bicycles, etc ...), having express order the Local Police remove them from the circuit. There will be a broom vehicle on the tail of the race to pick up the runners who for some reason do not want or can not continue the race, should be mounted on it or proceed with the abandonment of the race, those runners who are not in conditions to maintain the planned schedule of closure of control of the activity, following the instructions of any member of the organization.


 There will be several medical and safety teams coordinated with the national 112 emergency services by the central direction of the SHERRY BIKE, located in Jerez.


By default, these teams will be distributed among the different aid stations so runners may ask for assistance or help in case of need.


There will be mandatory medical examinations at some points along the route, which may be random or general.


Refusal by the runner to cooperate fully or being disrespectful with the medical personnel may result in immediate disqualification.

All participants will accept the medical decisions of the physicians and medical team, whose decision will prevail over all others. The physicians and caregivers may:


  • Remove from the event any runner that they consider incapable of continuing, by invalidating their race bib number.

  • Order the evacuation of any participant who they consider being in danger.

  • If necessary, order the hospitalization of a runner. 




Withdrawals must be made in the Control Points. If by accident or injury, the runner cannot reach a checkpoint they must follow the rescue procedure by contacting the organization through the Emergency Mobile Phone.

The runner wishing to drop out must inform the aid station. The supervisor will identify the runner as dropout.


Only the aid stations indicated as CONTROL RECALL points, there will be transportation to evacuate dropout runners.


Even if the dropout opts to get back to Pradollano by own means, he/she must inform about his/her intention to drop out to the supervisor will identify the runner as dropout.  Otherwise the Organizers will consider the runner missing and activate the rescue alarm.



In case of bad weather conditions or force majeure, the organizers reserve the right to suspend, neutralize or modify the time and / route of the race.


If the event is cancelled due to force majeure more than 7 days before the start date, the registration fees will be partially refunded.  The amount refunded will depend on the date of the suspension and the amount that the Organizer has already spent on non-refundable costs.


If the event is cancelled for reasons beyond the Organizer’s control within 7 days before the start of the SHERRY BIKE, or if the event is suspended after having started, no registration fees will be refunded.



Race Referees present in the race as well as any member of the organization shall monitor the implementation of the Regulation and are authorized to immediately apply the following penalties or disqualifications:


                     DESCRIPTION OF THE FAULT                                                                                   PENALTY


  • Not following the race course, although NOT shortening its distance or even increasing it. Penalty of 5 min

  • Not following the race course, shortening its distance. Penalty of 30min. 1st warning.  Disqualification: 2nd warning.

  • Run accompanied by someone without a race bib who displays a clear intention to help the runner. Penalty of 30min. 1st warning.  Disqualification: 2nd warning.

  • Receiving personal assistance outside the area of aid stations. Penalty of 15min. 1st warning. Disqualification: 2nd warning.

  • Littering or any behavior that may harm the natural environment. Disqualification.

  • No assistance to a person in danger (injury, great exhaustion, hypothermia . Disqualification and ban from entering any future events.

  • Skipping a checkpoint. Disqualification.

  • Not having the mandatory equipment or refusal to cooperate during an inspection of equipment or refusal to undergo a medical examination.  Disqualification.

  • Remove or change the marks set by the organization.  Disqualification and ban from entering any future events.

  • Using a means of transport.  Disqualification and ban from entering any future events.

  • Transferring the race bib or chip to another person to run in place of the registered runner during part or the totality of the event; and/or providing false information to the Organizers. Disqualification and ban from entering any future events.

  • Dropping out without immediately notifying the Organizer. Disqualification and ban from entering any future events.

  • Not carry the bib number in front of the clothing and visibly. Warning+ Disqualification.

  • Invest more time than the organization establishes to complete the race as well as exceed the maximum split times established by stretch. Disqualification.



The SHERRY BIKE has the following modalities:

  • MTB  


  • E-MTB

The established categories of the SHERRY BIKE are the following:

  • MTB - ABSOLUTE MALE (18 years and older)

  • MTB - ABSOLUTE FEMALE (18 years and older)

  • GRAVEL - ABSOLUTE MALE (18 years and older)

  • GRAVEL - ABSOLUTE FEMALE (18 years and older)

  • E-MTB - ABSOLUTE MALE (18 years and older)

  • E-MTB - ABSOLUTE FEMALE (18 years and older)

Subcategories (ONLY MTB modality).

  • SUB23 MALE (18 to 22 years reached during the reference year)

  • SUB23 FEMALE (18 to 22 years reached during the reference year)

  • ÉLITE MALE (23 to 29 years reached during the reference year)

  • ÉLITE 30 FEMALE (23 to 29 years reached during the reference year)

  • MÁSTER 30 MALE (30 to 39 years reached during the reference year)

  • MÁSTER 30 FEMALE (30 to 39 years reached during the reference year)

  • MÁSTER 40 MALE (40 to 49 years reached during the reference year)

  • MÁSTER 40 FEMALE (40 to 4years reached during the reference year)

  • MÁSTER 50 MALE (50 years and older)

  • MÁSTER 50 FEMALE (50 years and older)


The top three finishers of Absolute Category will receive a trophy and the first of each subcategory will receive a trophy. Is necessary the participation of at least five athletes in each category to opt for trophy. If this requirement is not met, only the winner of the category will have trophy.

Lack of attendance to the awards ceremony entails renouncing to the corresponding trophy and cash prize. Any delegation to another person for the collection of trophies and awards shall be known and authorized by the Organization at least 3 hours before delivery.


Accepting the present regulations mandatorily involves that the participant authorizes TerraIncognita Sport SL to take photographs and filming their participation in SHERRY BIKE.

In addition, the participant consents the publication, commercial and advertising exploitation of the images taken during SHERRY BIKE -including those images in which the participant is clearly identifiable- without any right of economical compensation for the participant.  Images will not be used for any other purposes than those stated before.


TerraIncognita Global SL owns all image rights of the event in exclusive. Any media or advertising projects must have the consent of TerraIncognita Global SL.     




In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th on Personal Data Protection, the participant’s personal data will be included in a folder named “Sport Events” owned by TerraIncognita Global SL. The data will be used for the management, organization, realization and communication of sport events, publication of results and ensuring the safety of participants.  The data will be used by the organizing entity TerraIncognita Global SL.


Participants are responsible of the veracity and accuracy of the data provided and they may exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel or oppose their personal data in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 December 13th. 


To do so, participants may contact TerraIncognita Global SL on


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